24 September 2013

Moniker art fair 2013 | London | October 17-20

The bear market - Pipsqueak was here!!!

Sleep is the greatest thief, for it steals half one's life...

Pipsqueak was here!!! is a prolific Amsterdam based duo, wich loves to fool around with paint. They find the limited hours in a day a cause of frustration. Unterrupted, they try to make their thoughts visual, triggered mostly by their idiosyncratic view on what most people experience as everyday life and consider normal. Pipsqueak was here!!! can't resist the urge to remark upon this phenomenon in their work and they seek how far we humans are drifting away from our natural state in modern society. Something estranging occurs when placing extra emphasis on the ordinary. There is an endless stream of significant things among the ordinary that need highlighting and yet so little time, therefor why hold back? Paint can be attached to anything and why stop there?

Pipsqueak was here!!! has prepared a wall especially for the Moniker Art Fair 2013. It will be a combination of natural elements and the result of human behaviour.  Our species has reduced the natural habitats of all living creatures. Mankind will soon be stuck between what's left of this breathing planet and its own garbage.